Upcoming Classses
Learn to Knit! | Thursday, March 20th, 6-8:30pm
Love the soft squish of yarn and always wanted to learn how to knit? Now is your chance! Discover the art of knitting with our beginner-friendly, learn-to-knit class! (Seriously, no knitting experience necessary!) This class is perfect for the absolute beginner (or someone who has picked up yarn and needles before but could use a refresher on the skills.)
$55/person Thanks for your interest! class is full, see upcoming class on april 9th
Make your own Mini Rainbow Embroidery | Friday, March 28 | 4:30-6:30 pm
Learn how to embroider with this sweet little rainbow embroidery project! We’ll walk you through the steps to plan, create, stitch and finish a 3 inch rainbow embroidery. This class is perfect for the absolute beginner (or someone who has tried embroidery before but would like guidance on a project.)
$45/person Learn more & REGISTER HERE.
Start Your Alpine Shawl: Knit Along Class | Saturday, April 5th | 10am-12pm
Get ready for Malabrigo's The Alpine Shawl Knit Along! Designed by Jill Tamminen from Knit Sisu, The Alpine Shawl is a classic Knit Sisu Technique Shawl - it plays with both color and texture in classic stitches and fibers, all while keeping a modern asymmetrical shawl structure and shape. In this class we'll help you get your shawl started -- we'll take a look at the pattern, walk through the pattern together, begin knitting the shawl, and you'll be on your way to completing your shawl at home once you leave the class.
Level: Advanced Beginner (you know how to cast on stitches, knit and purl)
$45/person Learn more & REGISTER HERE.
Learn to Knit! | Wednesday, April 9th, 6-8:30pm
Love the soft squish of yarn and always wanted to learn how to knit? Now is your chance! Discover the art of knitting with our beginner-friendly, learn-to-knit class! (Seriously, no knitting experience necessary!) This class is perfect for the absolute beginner (or someone who has picked up yarn and needles before but could use a refresher on the skills.)